
SoftActivity Monitor Installer command line parameters

SoftActivity Monitor installer supports a number of command line parameters for silent installation with no GUI. This can be used by Administrators to install a monitoring Console or Server from a script, deploy via Active Directory, Powershell remoting, etc.

Activity Monitor installer command line parameters:

/LOG=install_log.txt : create an installation log in install_log.txt file for troubleshooting (optional)
/NewPsw=password : set Activity Monitor console or server password. Must be 6 characters or longer
/Mode=server/console : selects installation mode, server = Server mode with database, webapp and Admin console. console = Monitoring Console, for additional monitoring stations. Default value is server with all components. Read more about Components
/DataFolder="C:\SoftActivity data\" : folder for database and screenshots (optional). Only applies to server mode. By default, C:\ProgramData\Salog\data
/DIR="C:\dirname" : installation destination folder (optional). By default, C:\Program Files\SoftActivity\Activity Monitor

Installation process exit code is 0 on success. In case of errors you can record an installation log with /log=log.txt command line parameter and inspect the log.


activmon.exe /SP- /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /NewPsw=changeme /Mode=console

This installs Activity Monitor silently with no GUI, in monitoring console mode on a secondary monitoring workstation, without server components, and set a password: changeme

activmon.exe /SP- /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /NewPsw=changeme /Mode=server /DataFolder="D:\SoftActivity data\"

This installs Activity Monitor silently with no GUI, in server mode including admin console, webapp server and database server components. Set password: changeme. Store logs in D:\SoftActivity data\

Agent installer command line parameters

Agent installer can be run in silent mode from a script with the following command line parameters.

/SP- /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES – silent installation with no GUI. Just install with all default options
/LOG=install_log.txt : create an installation log in install_log.txt file for troubleshooting (optional)
/OldPsw=xxx – previous (old) Agent password. Required for reinstalling Agent. (optional)
/NewPsw=xxx – set the Agent password. Required for monitoring this Agent, uninstalling or reinstalling it. Must be 6 characters or longer
/DIR="C:\folder name" – directory to install Agent (optional). Only use to change the default installation folder
/NORESTART – (optional) instructs setup not to reboot the computer after installation even if necessary to replace some files. Usually the reboot is not necessary.

Installation process exit code is 0 on success. Otherwise you can record an installation log and check it for errors.


amagent.exe /SP- /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NewPsw=mypassword

Install Agent silently with no GUI in the default folder and assign Agent password: mypassword

Notes: password must be 6 to 255 characters long (longer is better).

Password format for passing via command line: Password may contain any characters. If it contains any characters other than numbers and English letters, whole password should be put in double quotes ” “. But the password itself must NOT contain double quotes ” character.  For example: