
5 Examples of Spear Phishing You Need to Look Out For

October 10th, 2022

Cybercrime thrives on hitting the most high-value targets, for instance, information assets that could be influenced into a risk or infrastructure that needs to be taken down. However, hackers often seek to take as little effort as possible, which you should keep in mind when protecting your company assets. 

Spear phishing is a technique that uses emails to target multiple users. It often targets specific individuals or aims to gather personnel names and information that the spear phisher scammers could use for identity theft.

These emails will trick you into providing personal information that the attacker can use to take advantage of you. One particular email tactic used by cybercriminals to carry out a cyber attack is malware disguised as an attachment or a link to what appears to be a reputable website. 

This article looks at spear phishing examples, including when they can happen and how business owners can protect themselves and their employees.

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15 Productivity Tips to Try Today for Drastic Improvements Tomorrow

September 26th, 2022

Productivity is the bread and butter of company success. Without productive workers, no companies would get anything done, and the building blocks of that company would fall apart. Luckily there are some simple and quick tips for fixing your failing productivity, providing near-immediately improvements and long-term success. 

Here are 15 productivity tips you should consider to fix your productivity today. Look out for drastic improvements tomorrow. 

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The Complete Guide to Hybrid Workforce Security

September 12th, 2022

With the rise of work-from-home (WFH), flexible work, and online workplaces, it’s essential to be aware of common IT and cybersecurity threats. This includes malware, spyware, a virus or other malicious computer code, and phishing scams. 

Cyberattacks are on the rise given increases in remote working, the fluctuations of the pandemic, and ever-changing security failures. It’s important to protect your business before a hacker can get in. By knowing what key security risks are, you can stop them before they do any damage.

Security threats loom as the workforce is increasingly remote. Remote workers are plugging in hours in public spaces, homes, and anywhere they can connect to a network. Here’s your guide to keeping your remote workforce secure.

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Calculating Employee Turnover Rate, And How To Combat It

August 29th, 2022

There are many ways that businesses can lose money, and one way is a high employee turnover rate. Understanding employee turnover rates can be as simple as calculating the math and crunching the numbers, but addressing it is another story. 

Companies may think that their high turnover rate is caused by the Great Resignation. But, a lingering high employee turnover rate can signify company issues, like high employee dissatisfaction and potentially poor work conditions. You should calculate your employee turnover rate so that you can take steps to combat it.

This article will discuss your employee turnover rate and how to fix the problems affecting it.

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The Importance Of Offboarding For Insider Threat Protection

August 8th, 2022

Taking care of insider threat concerns has never been more important. With the Great Resignation, more businesses with online data security vulnerabilities, and an increasing number of businesses moving remote, it’s become more important than ever to hit all of the security best practices to reduce the risk of a security breach. 

One of the most important best practices is offboarding employees, contractors, and third parties to protect company data. These articles talk about why that’s so important and how to do so:

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Protecting Your Internet Of Things (IoT) And Connected Devices

August 1st, 2022

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the next major security threat to modern society. Most people unknowingly interact with the IoT without realizing how big the risk is to their personal online data and their business data. 

Businesses, especially those with employees who work from home, need to protect their data and company security from vulnerabilities caused by IoT devices. Read on to learn the security risks of IoT and how to protect IoT and connected devices.

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Implementing an Effective Productivity Monitoring System: A Guide for Managers

July 25th, 2022

Poor company productivity can make or break any business. If your workers are procrastinating, inefficient, or not getting tasks done on time, you could fall victim to time theft and fall behind the competition. 

Luckily, productivity monitoring is simple to implement and can quite quickly resolve your productivity issues. Here is an overview of how to set up your productivity monitoring system. 

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