
SoftActivity Work, cloud based. What’s new, 2023 Changelog

December 28th, 2023

December 2023 updates

  • A number of minor improvements and fixes

November 2023 updates

  • Enhancements and fixes in Attendance module, and in the Client App.
  • Additional internal system improvements have been carried out to boost overall efficiency and reliability.

October 2023 updates

  • Numerous improvements and fixes in Attendance view. It shows user work sessions and idle periods.

September 2023 updates

  • Download multiple screenshots at once. If you want to save a few screenshots, select them and click Download button. All of them will be downloaded in .webp file format.
  • Attendance PDF report: add session length visual representation.
  • fix: idle time percentage was wrong sometimes in Attendance PDF report.
  • Changed the screenshot image format from jpeg to WebP, which reduces images size and traffic from the client computers by up to 50%. WebP format is supported by all major browsers. Downloaded .webp files remain easily viewable on Windows and other operating systems.
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SoftActivity 14.0 on-premise major update

September 11th, 2023

SoftActivity is glad to announce the release of new version 14.0, a major update of its employee productivity tracking software, SoftActivity Monitor and TS Monitor.

Version 14.0 includes improved security features and important fixes. Upgrade is recommended to all users.

What’s new in version 14.0

  • upgraded PostgreSQL database server from version 9.6(x32) to version 15 (x64). This brings improved performance, security, and reliability of data storage.
    Note: Upgrade to PostgreSQL 15 will NOT be performed automatically. Please follow the steps in our guide for admins here: Migrate database from PostgreSQL 9.6 to 15
  • improvements and fixes in screenshots recording.
  • webapp: fixed real time alerts in browser
  • webapp: improved Attendance report export to pdf and sent by email. Added visual session duration representation
  • fixed security vulnerabilities found in older Python version by upgrading to the latest Python 3.11.
  • official support for secure TLS connection to PostgreSQL servers. Bundled server does not come with
    TLS enabled, but if you have an existing PostgreSQL server that supports TLS, SoftActivity will utilize the secure connection. TLS connection should be used when connecting to any other databases than on localhost.
  • webapp: dropped support of IE11 browser.
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How Do Employers Track Internet Usage?

June 12th, 2023

With more and more workers logging in remotely, employers can still monitor their attendance, computer behaviors, and internet usage through routine employee monitoring software. 

There are many different ways to track employee internet usage, so each company can employ a different method. Here is how employers track internet usage and more.

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Can Employers Monitor Emails?

May 29th, 2023

With the rise of remote work and advanced computer technologies at our fingertips, there is much more that we’re capable of, especially when it comes to tracking the workplace. 

Employers track their employees to ensure they continue to provide quality work. But to what extent can these employers track? Can they monitor your emails?

If you’re wondering, as an employer, what you can monitor, you’re in the right place. If you’re an employee and you’ve stumbled on this blog, you, too, can learn what exactly your employer can track when at work. 

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How to Stop Employee Quiet Quitting with Monitoring Solutions

May 15th, 2023

Employers today often find themselves in the dark regarding knowing when their staff members are beginning to lose motivation and disengage from their work – a phenomenon known as “quiet quitting.” 

To make matters worse, employers can’t always rely on chats around the water cooler or office gossip for a heads-up about what colleagues might think. 

The good news is that employee monitoring software can help employers detect signs of quiet quitting and take proactive steps to prevent it before it’s too late. 

In this blog post, we will outline how you can spot possible indicators of quiet quitting (so that preventing turnover isn’t impossible) and practical strategies to retain your top talent if further services are necessary. Get ready: we’re diving into all things employee management! 

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7 Ways Employee Monitoring Software Can Prevent Employee Burnout

April 24th, 2023

Are you an employer watching your employees burn out from months of work-related stress? Have you noticed that long hours, difficult tasks, and deadlines seem to be a regular part of the working day, regardless of whether the workload has increased? 

If so, you’re not alone. 

Employee burnout is becoming increasingly common in today’s competitive business environment–but it doesn’t have to stay this way! With employee monitoring tools like time-tracking software and activity management solutions, employers can reduce employee stress while motivating their teams— all at once. 

In this blog post, we’ll cover the basics behind stopping burnout with employee monitoring software so that no person has to suffer an office meltdown again!

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A Guide to Endpoint Data Loss Prevention

April 10th, 2023

Data loss prevention with employee monitoring software is essential for businesses in every industry. Also referred to as Endpoint Data Loss Prevention, it is a security strategy that offers businesses a comprehensive way to protect confidential data and ensure security compliance. 

Working with a data loss protection solution provides you or your data safety team with very effective tools to identify, investigate, and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data at the source level on endpoints such as laptops and mobile devices. 

In this guide for business owners, we’ll explore what endpoint data loss prevention entails and the important steps in implementing these measures throughout your organization. 

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